Learn About Instant Quote Machines

In today’s current business climate it has become more challenging to find good customer service due to the effects of the pandemic. While some companies have used robots and other non- human interaction to communicate with their customers, others have used a combination of both. PAC Machinery understands that when a customer is inquiring about a particular product, part or questions in general they can reach out via email  or call our toll free line (800-985-9570) to speak with an actual person. This is the process for the majority of customers who want to purchase new packaging equipment. 

For a few of our machines that are more simplistic in nature, PAC Machinery has made the process of getting a quote simple and instant! 


  1. Visit the Instant Quote machine page 
  2. Click on the instant quote button
  3. Fill out the information required
  4. A PDF will be instantly emailed to you for that machine. 
  5. You can then call PAC Machinery and order that machine. You will not have to talk to our  sales department.
  6. This convenient process literally take a few minutes! 

An Instant Quote is a fast and easy way for customers to get immediate pricing on machines that do not require customization and are a more simplistic machine. Our custom- built machines and the majority of our packaging equipment,  requires more in-depth application details and will have to be quoted by a sales representative. 

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