Evidence Bag Impulse Heat Sealer

When equipped with the optional code seal, the Audion Sealmaster Magneta becomes the perfect poly bag impulse heat sealer for sealing evidence bags or those that require tamper-evidence. The custom code seal embosses text of your choosing, right into the seal, creating a unique evidence bag heat sealer for evidence bags used in evidence collection.

This video below shows the MGM version of the Sealmaster Magneta impulse sealer. The MGM model features a seal bar that automatically closes by pressing on a footswitch, improving operator efficiency.

The Sealmaster Magneta evidence bag impulse sealer is used by some of the largest police departments in the country, banks, and even prisons, to heat seal bags with a tamper-evident impulse seal. The code seal also works great to prevent the sale of counterfeit goods, as the embossed seal can easily be changed on a regular basis and ensure that goods are genuine.

This evidence bag heat sealer is made in Europe by Audion and includes an industry-leading 3 year limited warranty. Unlike other poly evidence bag impulse sealers on the market, you can expect your Sealmaster Magneta to last you decades.

Contact us today to order your Audion Sealmaster Magneta impulse sealer with a custom code seal to create a tamper-evident seal on your bags.

Click here for more details on the Audion Sealmaster Magneta evidence bag impulse heat sealer.

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