450 Sealer

450 Automatic Impulse Sealer for Airtight Watertight Seals up to 18″

The Clamco 450  Automatic Impulse Sealer makes high-quality consistent seals time after time. The 450 seals automatically to enable continuous production, sealing thermoplastic films such as polyethylene and polypropylene. When impulse sealing, the seal bar can be set to automatically close, and is heated during the sealing process. The seal bar begins to cool while remaining closed for the specified amount of time. The seal bar automatically opens to begin the sealing process again; controls can be set to the pace of the operator.

A versatile sealer, the 450 can be used in horizontal or vertical positions. An adjustable product shelf is included for packaging ease and a foot switch for manual control to initialize electromagnetic sealing. Controls include Re-Cycle Time to pace the operator, Congealing (Dwell) Time for cool down time under pressure and Sealing Time which is adjustable for bag thickness and material.

During automatic sealing, the arm on the 450 moves down via an electromagnet while uniform pressure is provided by the use of controlled electronic timers. Once the correct control settings have been established, consistent seals will be maintained automatically, making the last seal as perfect as the first seal.

The Clamco 450 Automatic Impulse Sealer includes a 1 year limited warranty.



Model450 Impulse Sealer
Maximum Seal LengthUp to 18"
Maximum Material Thickness6 mil
Seal Width1/8"
Heat timer.3-2.2 seconds
Dwell (cool) time.5-8 seconds
Recycle time1-8 seconds
Adjustable Product Shelf16.5"W x 9"D x 2.5"H
Electrical110 Volt, 750 Watt
Machine Dimensions
(without tray)
21"W x 14"D x 8"H
Weight 50 lbs


450 User Benefits

  • Automatic recycling timer sets time for seal bars to remain open
  • Variable dwell control allows flexibility to use a range of films
  • Manual mode with foot pedal control

450 Operating Benefits

  • Automatic sealing cycle for pace operations
  • Uniform seal pressure for consistent seals
  • Operates in horizontal or vertical position

450 Set-up Benefits

  • Product shelf for packaging ease

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