Pack Expo International 2024

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Thank you for  visiting us at the Largest Packaging and Processing Show of the Year! 

We showed over a dozen  machines including several new options for 2024 and 2025. We had so many great conversations with many of you and look forward to continuing them to help you pick out new packaging equipment for next year that solves your challenges.

A message from our president

Watch our show wrap up video 

Hurry and Get in on Show Specials for a Limited Time!

Not buying your bags from us? Get a free sample of our stock bags

Get thousands in bag credits when you buy an R785 adn trade in your old competitor brand bagger >> LEARN MORE >>


FW 650SI Flow Wrapper

Wrap products with Fiberflex paper or poly bags up to 12” wide or 8” in height. The FW 650SI can operate at a speed of up to 80 packs/min. Labeler available on this! “Flexible Sustainability”

6800CS-HS Side Sealer

Package products up to 16” wide and unlimited lengths up to 120 cycles/min shrink thousands of product/hr.

Rollbag R785 Auto Bagger

We’ll be showing the R785 with the advanced Thermal Transfer printer that allows users to print shipping and barcode info right on the bag for fulfillment.

Rollbag R3200XL Bagger

A larger version of our R3200 and our largest bagger. Lets users package with bags up to 22″W x 36″L. Use tubing as an option to package and right size your bags, save money on material costs.

The Packaging Aids PVG is considered by many to be the industry standard industrial vacuum impulse sealer.

PVT Plus Med

Validatable Tabletop Medical Vacuum Sealer. Gas Flush for Modified Atmosphere Packaging

552 Continuous Horizontal Band Sealer

A large continuous horizontal band sealer for bag and pouch sealing applications. The seal head and conveyor can be raised or lowered to achieve a seal position between 28”″& 36” from the floor.

R3200 & XL Fulfillment Paper Auto Baggers

NEW – Run poly or paper on our latest bagger and future-proof your equipment investment.

Fiberflex paper

PAC’s patented Fiberflex® curbside recyclable paper mailers for select machinery.

Rollbag Poly Tubing

Poly Tubing for auto baggers provides the ability to create the right size bag each time a product packaged saving on materials costs.

Bags & Materials for Auto Baggers

Get a competitive edge with our packaging materials for any brand of automatic bagger. Our experts will be there to discuss cutom, stock and eco-friendly options with you.


News on our Exhibit

PAC Machinery, President , Greg Berguig, featured with ‘Packaging World’ press on NEW innovations featured at Pack Expo. >>

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